ELAK - the electronic file
The electronic file (ELAK) has been in operation as the central e-government system of the Austrian federal administration for workflow and document management since 2004.
The ELAK is used by the federal ministries, supreme bodies, courts, outsourced legal entities and subordinate federal departments. It is continuously being optimised and expanded on the basis of new findings, legal adjustments and organisational and technical developments.
Central IT solution
As a central element of electronic business case processing, the ELAK is a crucial and integral part of the workplace of the future, available any place and at any time, 24-7.
European reference project
ELAK currently processes 23.7 million files and 55.1 million documents (as of July 2021). 13,000 users from the federal ministries work with ELAK, which functions electronically from incoming mail to processing - a European reference project.
BRZ: Operation and service
The core competences of the BRZ lie in central operational management, ensuring data security, setting up and operating the network structure, as well as services and support.